File petition for reconsideration
This electronic service that enables the beneficiaries to submit a petition of a reconsideration on all final or reconsidered judgements that are issued by the court of first instance or the court of appeals
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- Log in to the Najiz platform using your National Single Sign-On credentials.
- Navigate to ""All Electronic Services"".
- Select the ""Judiciary"" package.
- Choose the ""File petition for reconsideration"" service.
- Click on ""New Application"".
- Select the relevant case.
- Choose ""Applications"".
- Add ""New application"".
- Select ""File petition for reconsideration"".
- Select the relevant judgment.
- Enter the required details.
- Click on ""Submit application"".
- The user is notified of the application number via SMS.
Individuals , Government Sector , Private Sector , Excellent stay , Small and micro enterprises , visitor , Commercial companies , Student , Non-profit organizations , Investor , resident , citizen , Gulf citizen
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Website Portal
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