National Plans and Initiatives
Overview of National Plans and Initiatives
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It was launched by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) in March 2021, and its launch comes within the framework of the efforts of the Saudi Arabia to transfer and localize satellite technologies, and KACST's endeavor to establish a strong and sustainable national space sector, to transfer and localize space technologies in line with the objectives of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030.
The Saudi satellite Shaheen Sat is part of a new generation of miniaturized satellites, and it carries: a HD camera telescope and a Marine Traffic Automatic Identification System. For more information
Developed by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, it works to integrate trends, policies, legislation and practices in the water sector at the national level with the main objective of addressing major challenges and restructuring the sector. It consists of a vision, strategic objectives, and accompanying programs and initiatives.
Vision and Objectives
The vision statement is: “A sustainable water sector that develops and preserves water resources, preserves the environment, and provides safe supply, high quality and efficient services that contribute to economic and social development”.
The vision statement is detailed in five strategic objectives as follows:
1. Ensure continuous access to sufficient quantities of secured water in normal and emergency situations.
2. Improving WDM in all uses.
3. Providing high quality and cost-effective water and sanitation services to ensure acceptable prices.
4. Preserving water resources and improving their use while preserving the local environment for the benefit of Saudi society now and in the future.
5. Ensuring the competitiveness of the water sector and its positive contribution to the national economy by promoting effective governance, private sector participation, localization of capabilities and innovation.
Strategic Programs and Initiatives
They were extracted from the five strategic objectives of the sector, and from an in-depth analysis of the various components, 10 main programs were developed, each of which includes a set of strategic initiatives, namely:
Program 1: Water System and Water Resources Management Regulations
Program 2: Water Resources Management
Program 3: Preparedness of the sector for emergency management
Program 4: Research, development and capacity building
Program 5: Supply Chain Efficiency and Service Quality
Program 6: Regulations for Water Services
Program 7: Restructuring the Saline Water Conversion Corporation
Program 8: Involvement of the private sector in production and wastewater treatment
Program 9: Distribution Restructuring and Private Sector Involvement
Program 10: Restructuring the Public Irrigation Corporation and Improving Irrigation
More details here.
A national gathering of business incubators, accelerators, co-working spaces, and all parties related or interested in creating the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Saudi Arabia. The vision of Saudi incubators and accelerators network is to be the first destination for local and international audiences who are interested in exploring and participating in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Saudi Arabia. Its mission is building an entrepreneurial community that is impactful, sustainable, and empowering. For more information
The Public Health Authority "Weqaya", in cooperation with the National Center for Public Opinion Polls "Ray", launched the National Program for Assessment and Control of Behavioral Risk Factors BRFSS in December 2021.
The program aims to assess risky behaviors related to health and chronic diseases, while its results will be used to develop programs and policies that contribute to controlling and reducing disease rates, building health promotion activities, and improving quality of life, according to best evidence-based scientific practices.
The program targets adult citizens, and the data collection mechanism will be through a telephone questionnaire that takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. The program includes the following topics: health status, health-related lifestyle, access to health care, exercise, sleep adequacy, and health conditions. Chronic, oral health, tobacco use, e-cigarettes, immunization, falls, breast and cervical cancer screening, prostate cancer screening, colorectal cancer screening and more.
The National Geological Database is one of the initiatives of the Saudi Geological Survey. It contains regional geological information and detailed data on geological maps at various scales, in addition to information from regional geophysical surveys and detailed geophysical surveys of mineral deposits in Saudi Arabia.
The national geological database also includes the information of regional and detailed geochemical surveys of surface samples, drilling samples and wells. It also contains detailed geological and technical data for mineral exploration wells, in addition to technical reports of geological surveys and exploration projects for multiple decades in Saudi Arabia. For more information
It was launched by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, and is concerned with preserving water as a non-renewable national wealth. It is one of the programs of the national transformation initiatives concerned with implementing the water sector in accordance with the objectives of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030.
The launch of the Qatrah program comes in light of Saudi Arabia's ranking in the world in terms of per capita water consumption, which is not in line with its water conditions.
The program aims to reduce the average per capita consumption of water in Saudi Arabia to 150 liters in 2030; Through a package of awareness and guidance programs, and solutions to rationalize consumption, implemented in cooperation with the relevant authorities to provide rationalization tools.
The program will contribute to reducing the non-optimal use of water, raising awareness of the importance of rationalizing it, and the need to change the behavior of its use. Consuming and maintaining it.
Modern technologies have had a fundamentally transformative impact on life across the globe. The ongoing shift from traditional economic interactions towards greater data-and-platforms-enabled activity emphasizes the centrality of the digital economy. A thriving, diversified economy is one of the main pillars of Saudi Vision 2030. Already the largest economy in the Middle East and among the 20 largest economies in the world, Saudi Arabia’s objective with Vision 2030 is for Saudi Arabia to be ranked among the top 15 economies worldwide by 2030.
To achieve this goal, Saudi Arabia aims to create an attractive investment environment and diversify its economy to raise the share of non-oil exports from 16% to 50%. A robust digital economy can serve as a catalyst for promoting non-oil sectors that will contribute to the economic growth and diversity necessary to achieve Vision 2030. In executing this Digital Economy Policy, Saudi Arabia aims to raise the contribution of the digital economy as a share of total GDP to be on par with other leading global economies.
The aim of this policy is to develop the digital economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The policy sets out guiding principles for government agencies to promote the digital economy through their respective specialties and mandates, with the goal of achieving sustainable economic growth and creating and maintaining competitive advantages for Saudi Arabia. Equally, this policy serves to inform the public and private sectors and the international community, of Saudi Arabia’s approach to growing a robust, modern, and effective digital economy. For more information
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