Social Protection
As part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's commitment to enhancing citizens' welfare and ensuring a dignified life at various life stages, the Ministry of Social Affairs provides a comprehensive and integrated social welfare system offering diverse services. These services include orphan care, juvenile care, elderly care, as well as preventive funding programs for job seekers and social funding initiatives to support families and individuals, including funding those with disabilities. The Ministry also provides marriage allowances for orphans, social and family financing, and housing support programs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these national efforts stood out by offering exceptional support to ensure family stability and alleviate burdens. The Ministry's services also extend to include: retirement, social insurance, and family protection initiatives aimed at strengthening family and community stability.
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Social Welfare Systems
The social protection system was established with a strategic vision aimed at building a strong and stable society. This system, a result of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development’s (HRSD) efforts, focuses on enhancing citizens’ stability, improving quality of life, reducing challenges, and ensuring continuous economic, social, and psychological support.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has also introduced comprehensive preventive programs to support all societal segments and address diverse needs. Specialized care and rehabilitation programs are also developed, targeting individuals requiring permanent assistance, contributing to societal balance, stability, and the creation of a fair and equitable community. For more information, click here.
Target Groups for Social Welfare Programs
Social welfare programs are designed to provide essential support to various groups, including:
- Widows
- Divorced Women
- Persons with disabilities
- Elderly
- Orphans
- Anonymous Descent
- Unemployed
- Poor and needy
- Affected by disasters and pandemics
Social Services
To protect the rights of children in general and orphans in particular, and to ensure their welfare, the Children's and Orphans' System has been established to ensure their welfare and the provision of an environment that ensures care and rehabilitation. The Directorate-General for the Welfare of Orphans and those who govern them develop the necessary policies for achieving these goals, through shelters and specialized institutions, and to pursue their care within foster or friendly families.
The Department of Juvenile Welfare oversees several social rehabilitation and rehabilitation homes with the aim of correcting and rehabilitating abnormal behavior or those at risk of deviance of both sexes, and helping them to follow the right path. It also provides training and educational programs that enhance the functioning of the system, as well as recreational, social, and artistic programs to enhance the psychological and social aspects of the beneficiaries.
Saudi Arabia places great importance on improving the quality of life for the elderly by promoting their active participation in society through voluntary contributions that allow them to pass on their knowledge and expertise to future generations. Comprehensive care is provided, covering health, social, and psychological aspects, through social welfare homes. Additionally, financial assistance is offered to them through the Social Security Agency. Services also include the provision of assistive devices such as medical beds, wheelchairs, and hearing aids to meet their needs and enhance their well-being.
The Anti-Begging Department was established to reduce Saudi beggars and lay the foundations for proper reform and guidance, by directing disabled people to social care homes, patients to specialized hospitals, and providing financial assistance from social security or charitable associations to those physically in need after studying their situation. As for children, Educational Care Systems are implemented to ensure they grow up in a healthy social environment that paves the way for a better future.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development strives to empower persons with disabilities, and enhancing their independence and active participation in society. To achieve this, it provides tailored employment and educational opportunities that align with their needs, alongside offering necessary accommodations to enable their progress and success. This is supported by access to a wide range of medical, social, psychological, educational, and professional services.
Some of the Ministry's key initiatives in this area include:
- Home Social Rehabilitation Care Program for Disabled, Elderly and Bedridden.
- Public transport fare reduction cards and traffic facilities.
- Exemption from payment of visa fees to persons with disabilities. For more details, click here.
Social Protection Programs for Job Seekers
These programs aim to support individuals during their job search period by providing temporary financial assistance, as well as training and rehabilitation programs to enhance their skills and increase their opportunities in the job market. These programs include initiatives, such as:
The job search subsidy program is designed to support job seekers through providing a declining cash benefit starting at 2000 riyals and lasting 15 months. The program covers a variety of training and employment alternatives to assist recipients in finding appropriate work.
The program targets two main categories:
- job seekers who enter the labor market during the first two years of finishing their education or training.
- as well as those who have been out of the labor market for longer than two years.
Payment of Unemployment Benefits (SANED)
A program offered by the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI), with the support of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, aims to assist Saudi citizens and their families in the event of unemployment due to circumstances beyond their control. The program acts as a bridge between two jobs by providing a minimum income to ensure a decent standard of living, along with necessary training and support to help individuals secure new employment opportunities.
Doroob is a national e-training platform. It is one of the initiatives of the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) which seeks to develop and upgrade the skills of the national forces of males and females and enhance their efficiency in line with the requirements of the Saudi labor market. The platform aims to equip beneficiaries with the necessary job skills to help them secure suitable employment and ensure their professional stability.
It is an on-the-job training program for Saudi graduates from local and overseas universities. It aims to train them in government institutions and privileged companies in the private sector, so that they can acquire the necessary expertise and skills to prepare them and prepare them to participate in the labor market.
An academy established by the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) in 1440 AH, aiming to train and develop national leaders of both genders in the private sector. The program seeks to enable them to assume leadership positions within organizations across Saudi Arabia. This Academy aligns with the goals of Vision 2030 by promoting high-quality localization and preparing leaders equipped with skills in creative planning and innovation.
It is a program to incentivize enterprises to localize jobs. Its basic idea is to classify entities with 10 or more workers into four domains. (Red/Yellow/Green/Platinum) according to their localization ratio, so that the lowest-localized entities are in the red and yellow ranges, while the highest-localized entities are classified in the green and platinum scales. The performance of establishments is evaluated by comparing their Saudization rates with those of other establishments within the same category.
Saudization of Jobs Initiative
This initiative aims to enhance Saudization rates by targeting specific professions based on the number of qualified job seekers available to fill these roles, provided there are sufficient job opportunities to partially or fully accommodate them. The Saudization rate for professions is calculated using a specific formula, resulting in a percentage that reflects the Saudization level of professions within entities under targeted labor offices. When an establishment applies for one of the services offered by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, it is required that the Saudization rate for professions within the agency meets or exceeds the stipulated threshold. The list of targeted professions is regularly updated, with new roles added to the service based on ministerial decisions that determine the percentages in a systematic and phased manner.
As a result, the Saudization rate of professions is determined for the agency affiliated with the targeted labor offices.
Preventive Support and Funding Programs
Support of Productive Families
The program aims to regulate the activities of productive families and empower them economically to achieve self-sufficiency and improve their standard of living. It also provides interest-free loans through the Social Development Bank, such as the Family Loan, to encourage families to engage in independent businesses and professions. For more details, you can refer to the Regulation on the Employment of Productive Families.
The program aims to protect Saudi families from the direct and indirect impacts of economic reforms that may place an additional burden on certain segments of society. It seeks to redirect government benefits to eligible recipients in a way that promotes responsible consumption and ensures that support reaches those who truly deserve it. Registration for the program and eligibility inquiries can be easily completed through the dedicated platform. For more details, click here.
Social Support and Financing Programs
Financial social allowances shall be paid to subsidize families based on the care of one or more persons with disabilities, orphans, or persons under their control whose care has been entrusted to the Ministry's Department of Welfare and Social Development. These allowances include the following categories:
- Families of persons with disabilities
- Orphaned families
- End of the sponsorship period
- Marriage
- Persons with Disabilities: providing wheelchairs and equipping vehicles.
One of the social protection programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. It aims to offer financial support and assistance to low-income families and individuals, ensuring an improved standard of living. This is achieved through monthly financial payments granted to beneficiaries under specific conditions and is disbursed monthly. The following categories are eligible for this support:
- Orphans.
- Elderly individuals aged 60 years or older.
- Individuals permanently unable to work due to health conditions.
- Individuals temporarily unable to work due to any medical reason.
- Women without a breadwinner.
- Unsupported families
To apply, click here.
Marriage Grant for Orphans
This initiative aims to support orphans with special circumstances or similar conditions by facilitating the marriage process and reducing financial burdens. A one-time financial grant is provided for these categories. Applications for this grant can be submitted through the designated electronic service.
Social and Family Financing
This program includes several initiatives to support individuals and families in meeting various life needs:
- Family Finance: An electronic product offered by the Social Development Bank aimed at financing low-income families to help them cope with living costs and meet their financial needs without visiting the bank's branches.
- Marriage Support: Provided to young men preparing for marriage with a monthly income of less than SAR 12,500 (approximately $3,332).
- Kanaf Financing: Dedicated to widows and divorced women facing financial difficulties, providing support to help them manage living expenses.
- Renovation Financing: Provided to those needing to rebuild or renovate their homes.
- Seasonal financing: Short-term financing aims to reach new segments of society by supporting workers in Saudi seasons who have a license with supervisory authorities, in order to contribute to increasing the productivity of seasonal freelance businesses.
- Cash financing: An electronic service to apply for a product offered by the Social Development Bank, within the self-employment financing programs. This financing is available to Saudi citizens who are able to work but have not been lucky enough to get a job, or who wish to increase their monthly income through a specialized craft or skill, or who wish to work in the delivery sector via electronic applications. Customers can benefit from financing of up to 120 thousand Saudi riyals, paid according to easy terms, with administrative fees not exceeding 9 thousand riyals (deducted from the financing amount). You can also benefit from the available financial incentives by registering in the self-employment incentives program. This product is characterized by fully electronic application procedures, without the need to visit the bank branches.
- Asset financing: An electronic service to apply for a product offered by the Social Development Bank, which is one of the self-employment financing products, targeting citizens wishing to benefit from the car financing track (directed transportation, delivery of orders) as well as the logistics services financing track (maritime transportation, refrigerated transportation, flatbed trucks); This is to enable citizens to increase their monthly income and practice their personal businesses through easy and fast financing procedures, with a financing ceiling of up to 300 thousand riyals and a financing period of up to 5 years, without annual fees on financing, with cash incentives by registering in the self-employment incentives program, without the need to visit the bank branches.
- Productive families indirect financing: One of the financing products for productive families and targets their own projects, in addition to owners of crafts and professions, through financing provided through financing intermediaries supported by financing portfolios from the Development Bank with easy and quick procedures.
- Zod Savings Program: One of the bank's savings products that targets Social Development Bank customers to help them save monthly sums of money that cover their future needs in the short term by building a simplified savings plan, with easy and quick procedures.
- “Zod Al-Ajyal” savings program: An interactive bank account directed to children that encourages them to save, enables them to manage their daily expenses, raise the level of financial culture, and how to deal with bank accounts through an integrated banking system and under the supervision of parents. The program provides a package of financial incentives and awareness and educational materials provided by the Social Development Bank.
Housing Support Programs
Housing Support Request Service
This electronic service, provided by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing, aims to enable Saudi citizens to register for housing support lists free of charge. The service assesses the eligibility of applicants and identifies those entitled to housing support. It also allows citizens to calculate the amount of support they will receive from the Ministry, whether for ready housing units, under-construction units, or real estate loans, by filling out the data requested in the Housing Support Calculator tool.
A collaborative initiative between the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing and charitable organizations, aiming to provide housing support to families in need. The program focuses on offering housing units to families under the care of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, promoting social solidarity and community development.
Ownership and Utilization System
A housing support that enables eligible applicants to acquire subsidized housing units provided by the Ministry or private sector under specific conditions and mechanisms set by the Ministry. Utilization refers to providing housing support to the beneficiary without transferring ownership, ensuring housing for life but excluding inheritance rights.
Housing Platforms and Supportive Programs
Affordable Housing: This program aims to provide suitable housing for families in need, especially social security beneficiaries and the like, based on a utilization model. It involves collaboration with nonprofit and private sectors through corporate social responsibility programs.
Development Housing: One of the Ministry of Housing’s initiatives. It aims to provide housing units to families most in need and under the care of social security. These units are allocated to families whose applications have been approved through the Housing Support Portal (Iskan).
Housing units are made available to the most vulnerable families through various options, including:
- Units owned by the Ministry across various regions of Saudi Arabia.
- Construction of new housing units.
- Purchase of suitable and available housing units.
The program has partnerships with nearly 300 nonprofit associations across Saudi Arabia to ensure families' needs are met promptly. These associations communicate with families, visit homes, assist in identifying suitable housing, manage the delivery process, and oversee the operations of housing units.
- Housing for the Elderly
- Social Welfare Homes
These Homes provide shelter and care for Saudi citizens aged 60 and above who cannot manage their personal affairs and lack family or relatives to care for them. They also serve elderly patients and those without caregivers, and they are referred to hospitals, provided that they are free from contagious, psychological, or mental illnesses.
Government-operated residential care homes provide comprehensive services, including social, medical, and psychological care. The activities offered to residents are diverse and include cultural, vocational, recreational, and sports programs. These programs are supervised by a specialized team encompassing all necessary specializations to ensure the residents receive high-quality care.
Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Elderly Care Homes
- Be Saudi national.
- Must be 60 years of age or older, unable to work, or incapable of managing personal affairs due to old age. Exceptions may be made for individuals under 60 if a social study confirms the need for such services.
- A medical examination must confirm that the individual is free from contagious diseases or psychological/mental illnesses that could endanger themselves or other residents.
- Lack of family or inability of the family to provide the necessary services for the elderly.
Agency | City | Communicate |
Social Care Home | Al Gove | (+966) 0146246401 |
Social Care Home | Jazan | (+966) 017 321 2978 |
Social Care Home | Medina | [email protected] |
Social Care Home | Riyadh | (+966) 011 207 5144 |
Social Care Home | Taif | (+966) 012 732 5030 |
Social Care Home | Abha | (+966) 017 224 4859 |
Social Care Home | Anizah | (+966) 016 354 9316 |
Social Care Home | Mecca | (+966) 012 544 9922 |
Support Programs in the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)
A cash fund established in response to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in partnership between the HRSD and the Public Authority of Waqf, according to a specific mission of providing extensive services from the pandemic, including relief services and community services. The Fund also receives contributions from individuals and institutions and implements initiatives through accredited community associations capable of reaching and verifying beneficiaries' needs.
Retirement and Social Insurance
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to ensuring a standard of living that reflects the contributions of retired civil and military employees, safeguarding their social and economic security after years of service to the nation. Multiple retirement systems have been established to protect retirees’ rights and their families, providing an insurance framework to guarantee them a dignified and stable life.
Civil Retirement
An electronic system designed to regulate the retirement rights of civil employees who have worked in government entities and institutions, and complete actual service periods in roles funded by the state’s general budget.
- Civil Retirement Services: The General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) offers a range of services for retired civil employees. Learn more here.
- Military Retirement: This system regulates retirement rights for military personnel who have served in Saudi Arabia’s armed forces and military institutions, with verified periods of service. Learn more about military retirement services here.
Social Insurance (Public and Private Sectors)
The General Organization for Social Insurance began offering services in 1393 AH (1973 AD), incorporating IT as a core component of its operations. Over time, these services evolved into a fully automated system that provides all social insurance services to subscribers and clients. These e-services reflect the organization’s vision of achieving highly efficient and effective social insurance and integrate seamlessly with other government digital services. Register here.
An online service that allows subscribers to apply for retirement pension disbursements through their personal accounts.
A national initiative launched by the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) to honor retirees for their dedication and service to the nation. The program collaborates with strategic partners to provide retirees and beneficiaries with a variety of services aligned with its objectives and pathways.
This real estate financing program, owned by the General Organization for Retirement and managed by Dar Al Tamleek Company, operates under a Sharia-compliant Murabaha model. The General Organization for Retirement purchases properties—such as villas, duplexes, apartments, residential buildings, or land—based on the beneficiary's request (whether employee or retiree) and then sells the property to the beneficiary in installments with a fixed profit margin.
Injury and Sickness Compensation for Workers
Work-related injuries are reported by the employers or their representative through the online Social Insurance Platform by selecting "New Injury" and completing the required details. The injured worker is then referred to a medical provider contracted with social insurance for treatment.
Occupational Disability
Non-Occupational Disability
Eligibility for a non-occupational disability pension requires:
- The disability must occur before the worker turns 60 and while he is actively employed under the system.
- The worker shall have a minimum subscription period of 12 consecutive months or 18 non-consecutive months.
- Disability is verified by specialized medical committees within a maximum of 18 months from the end of the subscription period.
Inquiry or Reporting a Work Injury
An electronic service that allows reporting a work injury sustained by a subscriber to the designated healthcare provider or the relevant social insurance office.
Disbursement of Occupational Disability Benefits
An electronic service enabling the submission of requests for the disbursement of occupational disability benefits.
Disbursement of Non-Occupational Disability Benefits
An electronic service enabling the submission of requests for the disbursement of non-occupational disability benefits.
Disbursement of Compensation for Worker Death
An electronic service that allows for the disbursement of benefits to the heirs of a deceased worker.
Family Protection
This agency is responsible for protecting individuals from all forms of domestic violence, including exploitation, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, or threats thereof. It addresses actions committed by individuals exceeding their authority or responsibility due to familial, guardianship, sponsorship, or dependency relationships. For more details about the General Department of Family Protection, click here.
Family Protection Services and Reporting Abuse
The Ministry works to enhance and develop family protection systems, raise awareness of abuse and its negative effects in society, and address harmful behavioral phenomena. The Ministry also provides a comprehensive guide on domestic violence, including its types and severity assessment methods. Citizens can access additional services for maternity and child compensation as well as newborn care.
Child Support
As part of its commitment to establishing a comprehensive social protection system that covers all segments of society, Saudi Arabia offers diverse support for children. The financial support provided varies according to the programs and services available, within a comprehensive policy to assist needy families raising children. This aims to improve their living conditions and ensure their well-being.
Saudi Arabia was among the first countries to adopt the Child Protection System and actively implements the international conventions related to children’s rights, including their rights to life, health, education, and psychological, social, cultural, and recreational care.
Believing in the role of children in development, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia prioritizes their rights and well-being through comprehensive policies and sustainable initiatives. These efforts aim to improve their quality of life and provide a nurturing environment for healthy growth. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has launched many initiatives and programs that reflect its commitment to children. These Programs include:
Developed Social Security System
This system aims to ensure the minimum basic needs for eligible families residing together in a single household, targeting the most vulnerable segments of society regardless of previous social classifications. The system guarantees pension disbursement to eligible recipients while empowering them to achieve financial independence and transition from being dependent to productive members of society, while providing high-level monitoring and regular follow-ups ensure the system's goals are achieved.
Eligibility Evaluation for Social Security
Eligibility is assessed through four main stages:
- Verification of applicant data (individual or family) via electronic linkage with relevant entities.
- Home visits after the completion and verification of initial data submitted electronically.
- Case study based on collected data.
- Notification of the applicant with a decision—approval or rejection—along with an explanation within 20 days from the application date.
Click here to benefit from the service and check financial allocations under the social security system.
Registering a beneficiary in the social security system does not affect his eligibility for financial support provided by the Citizen Account Program, as the program operates independently from social security. Registering in social security will not impact the beneficiary's right to receive financial assistance from the Citizen Account Program.
Additionally, the Saudi government actively encourages efforts to support children within the civil society and promotes initiatives focused on the care, psychological support, and social welfare of children and their families. Numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and charitable institutions have been established in Saudi Arabia to provide care and support for children.
Breast-milk substitutes support
Through this service, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aims to support producers, suppliers, and importers of products designated for infants, ensuring healthy nutrition, maintaining and supporting prices, and raising awareness about the general health of the child and mother.
The eligibility for infant milk support for social security beneficiaries depends on the child's age. No action or modification of the child's information in the unified file by the beneficiary is required if two conditions are met:
- The social security beneficiary's eligibility status is (eligible).
- The child's age is from newborn to two years.
aims to assist families benefiting from the social security program in providing school supplies for their children.
Programs Supporting Children and Working Women "Qurrah"
This unified online platform consolidates all information related to the childcare sector in Saudi Arabia. It aims to bridge the gap between childcare centers offering services and parents seeking childcare solutions. The program also supports the empowerment of working women by enabling them to join and remain in the workforce.
Support for Children's Hospitality "Qurrah"
To provide a program that supports the empowerment of working women, it is an initiative of the Human Resources Development Fund (Hadaf) within the national transformation programs. Saudi Arabia aims to join the labor market and continue in it while it is reassured about the care provided to its children by registering them in the licensed children hospitality service.
A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing comprehensive medical insurance for orphans and their widowed mothers in Saudi Arabia. It also raises health awareness based on medical data from service providers, adhering to high standards of quality and institutional excellence.
electronic product offered by the Social Development Bank, aimed at financing widows, divorcees, and people with disabilities; to support and assist them in bearing the burdens of life without the need to visit the bank's branches. This financing comes to achieve one of the United Nations' sustainable development goals. To apply for the financing, please follow the steps through the guide, as it is required for the applicant to be a widow or a divorcee without support or a person with disabilities.
Takaful Charity Foundation was established to provide financial and moral support to needy students in Saudi schools, ensuring their continued academic success. This support aims to lift them out of financial hardship and into self-sufficiency.
The Foundation works to achieve its goals and expand its resources through partnerships with a number of government and private entities. It relies on technology for all works and projects, including an eligibility assessment system that determines beneficiaries based on an accurate processing for the data of students and their parents, collected from number of government entities, such as the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior, etc.
With these constant and continuous efforts, Saudi Arabia is enabling its capabilities to provide a safe and healthy environment for children, improve their lives and support them in various fields, to build a healthy and developed society. These initiatives and programs also aim to provide financial support to children, improve their lives, and enable them to obtain essential services that meet their need.
Maternity Leave and Salaries for Working Women
- A working woman is entitled to apply for maternity leave through the sick leave service on the Masar platform.
- If a working woman does not receive her full maternity leave, she has the right to file a complaint or grievance through the grievance service.
- A working woman is entitled to maternity leave of four weeks before the expected delivery date and six weeks after delivery. The expected delivery date must be determined by the workplace physician or by a certified medical certificate from an authorized health institution. Women are prohibited from working during the six weeks immediately following delivery.
- The employer is obligated to pay the working woman during her maternity leave half her wage if she has at least one year of service and her full wage if she has three or more years of service at the time the leave begins. However, if she has already taken a fully paid maternity leave in the same year, her wage for the annual leave will not be paid. If she has taken a half-paid maternity leave in the same year, she will receive half her wage during the annual leave.
- The employer must provide medical care to the working woman during pregnancy and childbirth.
- Upon returning to work after maternity leave, a working woman is entitled to breastfeeding breaks totaling no more than one hour per day. These breaks are in addition to the regular rest periods granted to all workers and are counted as part of the official working hours without any reduction in wages.
- A working woman whose husband passes away is entitled to fully paid leave for no less than 15 days from the date of death.
Mobile Applications for Social Protection
To discover the key government applications for the Social Protection, please click here.
Family Protection Laws
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