Frequently Asked Questions
This section provides users of the Platform with answers to all frequently asked questions related to national identity and digital identity, national profile, protecting personal information, open data, segments of society, e-participation, business management, information, communications and postal services, legal affairs, safety and the environment, education and training, health services, personal documents, tourism culture and entertainment, family matters and life events, housing municipal services and facilities, work employment, residents and visitors affairs, and vehicles and transportation in the Kingdom.
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- How can a driver's license be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Directorate that enables the beneficiary to issue a driver's license.
- How can a vehicle's driving license (Istemara) be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Directorate through the (Tamm program) that enables agencies and car dealerships to issue traffic licenses, whether rental cars ending with ownership or for individuals wishing to buy a car.
- How can I inquire about the vehicles authorized to drive?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Directorate that enables beneficiaries to inquire about the vehicles they are authorized to drive or previously authorized to drive.
- How can I inquire about traffic violations?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Directorate, enabling the beneficiary to inquire about traffic violations recorded on him or his family members or sponsored individuals.
- How can I inquire about the details of a traffic violation?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Directorate that enables the beneficiary to inquire about traffic violations recorded on him, a member of his family, sponsored individuals, government agencies, or institutions for violations based on their vehicles.
- How can you object to a traffic violation?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Directorate that enables the beneficiary to object to electronic monitoring violations (Saher).
- How can I request the approval of transportation contracts for pilgrims?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah that enables Umrah companies to request contracts with transport companies between cities for pilgrims from the Ministry while the pilgrim is in the Kingdom and until his departure.
- How can traffic tickets be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables citizens to issue a traffic ticket abroad to return to the Kingdom's land.
- What is a car inspection service?
It is an electronic service provided by the General Organization for Standardization, Metrology, and Quality that enables the beneficiary to inspect used imported cars or used cars whose owners wish to change their identity (model).
- How can a traffic license be renewed for the business sector?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Directorate that enables institutions and companies to renew vehicle traffic licenses.
- How to request a marine vehicle driving license?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Directorate of Border Guard, enabling the beneficiary to print a marine form of media driving license application.
- How can a license be requested or renewed?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Authority of Ports. It enables the submission of a license application or its renewal, or a request to amend license data, or cancel a license, and inquire about the status of the request.
- What are the passenger services?
It is an electronic service provided by the General Organization of Railways that enables the beneficiary to reserve, amend a reservation, seat selection and buy tickets.
- How can digital autism disorder be issued?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
- How can a digital card be issued to reduce boarding fees for people with special needs?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
- How can the issuance of a domestic worker visa be requested online?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development that enables the beneficiary to issue domestic workers visas through the (Musaned) portal.
- How to inquire about applications and visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables the beneficiary to inquire about previously submitted applications and their visas by entering some search criteria that support privacy.
- How to inquire about the validity of visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior that enables beneficiaries to inquire about visas' validity.
- How can student visas be requested?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables study visa applicants to enter applications for the issuance of study visas.
- How to obtain business visit visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables companies or institutions within the Kingdom to request a visit for one or more persons according to specific professional specifications with commercial relations with the calling company.
- How to obtain personal visit visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables the visa applicant to request visits to persons who do not have a commercial or family status.
- How to obtain family visit visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables the beneficiary to request to visit relatives of citizens and residents of the first degree (parents, wife, children).
- How to obtain treatment visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables treatment visa applicants from abroad to apply to visit the Kingdom for treatment.
- How to obtain work visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables representations and service offices to enter and process data of work visa applicants, verify their validity from various countries of the world, and link them to the internal authorities Kingdom.
- How to obtain trasit visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables traffic visa applicants to enter their information online.
- How to obtain business visit visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables beneficiaries to apply for an individual or group visit to perform specific tasks inside the Kingdom.
- How to obtain visas to deliver goods?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables the beneficiary to apply for a visa to enter the Kingdom to deliver the goods.
- How can the final exit visa for dependents be requested?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of the Interior that enables the beneficiary to issue a final exit visa for dependents.
- How can a visitor visa be extended?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior, which enables the beneficiary to extend the visit to benefit from staying in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- How to request an extension of return visas?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables citizens and government agencies to request a return extension.
- What is a return service?
This service enables all residents (regular and violators) and visitor and tourist visa holders within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to submit a return request to their countries electronically through the Absher platform. After approval of their request, their travel procedures will be coordinated. The service also enables the applicant to inquire about a previous request.
- How to request identification for the visa?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Education that enables the scholarship student to submit a request to renew the study visa.
- How can visas be canceled?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development that enables beneficiaries to view visas' status and request visa cancellation.
- What is the employment system (Jadarah)?
An integrated electronic employment service that serves citizens to register with Jadarah and apply for job advertisements. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development employees will be responsible for matching registrants' data and managing employees. The electronic system relies on applying the highest transparency and efficiency levels in calculating applicants' points electronically and nominating the most suitable for vacant positions.
- How to create an account on the National Labor Portal (Taqat)?
Taqat is an online platform that links business owners and job seekers. Registration on the National Labor Portal (Taqat) allows the employer to benefit from various employment and training services. As for job seekers, through this platform, they can register their data, and assistance services are provided for them in training and employment, and they can register via this page.
- How can job seekers score in a HADAF?
This can be done by registering in an electronic system provided by the Human Resources Development Fund. It aims to regulate the procedures for supporting the Fund for employment and training plans for citizens in private sector establishments, familiarize the establishments with training centers, receive work requests, and link job applicants and targeted jobs.
- What is the program SAAID?
It is an electronic service that enables job seekers with high school education and below to register their data, qualifications, and work experience.
- How can a commercial activity license be issued?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs. It allows the service to citizens to issue an immediate shop license. It enables them to engage in a specific commercial activity by the requirements for direct licenses, and the service also allows following up the license procedures through the online portal.
- How can work permits be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development that enables the beneficiary to issue work permits for expatriate workers at the facility.
- How can work regulations violations be reported (together for monitoring)?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
- How to file a complaint against an institution or a delayed transaction?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Organization for Social Insurance. It enables the subscriber or the employer to file a complaint against the institutions that are related to the delay in completing a transaction or a general complaint about its services.
- How can work licenses be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development that enables the beneficiary to issue work permits for expatriate workers at the facility.
- How to inquire about workers at an establishment?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Organization for Social Insurance that enables government agencies to inquire about the number of workers in a particular establishment.
- How to register for a citizen's account?
You can register for a citizen's account (one of the government support programs) by visiting this page.
- What are the salaries support services for private school teachers?
It is an electronic service provided by the Human Resources Development Fund that aims to support the salaries of teachers of private schools for five years through the Fund's contribution of 50% of the wage.
- How can the subscriber's eligibility for unemployment benefits be verified (SANED)?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Organization for Social Insurance that enables the subscriber to verify his eligibility for (SANED) entitlement and obtain unemployment compensation.
- How to enter the initial report?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Organization for Social Insurance that enables the hospital supervisor to enter the injured participant's initial medical report.
- How to inquire about insurance matters?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Organization for Social Insurance that enables the beneficiary to verify insurance dues that have not been disbursed with the General Organization for Social Insurance.
- How can job seekers be registered in the new work reward program?
This can be done by registering on the National Labor Portal (Taqat). For more details, please visit this page.
- How to verify participation in the social insurance system?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Organization for Social Insurance, enabling the beneficiary to know if he is a subscriber to the social insurance system.
- How can a building permit be issued?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs.
- How can a temporary possession document be extracted?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to submit a request (issuing a temporary ownership document) to the final departments.
- How can a check issued for a lost or damaged instrument?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice. It is possible to request the issuance of a replacement check for a lost or damaged one. It allows the beneficiaries to electronically register a request to issue a check for a lost or damaged instrument. The instrument owner or his agent fills in the instrument's information and data to be re-issued to issue a referral To the notary directly.
- How to request an audit of real estate deeds?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice. This service allows beneficiaries to submit an electronic request to audit the instruments whose area is 10,000 ten thousand square meters or more. The Sukuk examination committees at the notaries public can receive and follow the application digitally, which cancels the dependence on paper, with the procedure set Electronically, and respond to the beneficiary within a period not exceeding 21 working days.
- How to request housing support?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Housing. It targets the citizen or citizenship to register in the Ministry of Housing lists to request housing support. It should verify the applicant's eligibility based on the conditions for obtaining housing support automatically to accept or reject the request directly through the electronic link with government agencies Related.
- How can a building repair permit be issued?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs.
- How to request a survey declaration?
This can be requested through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs.
- How to inquire about land grants?
Information on land grants given to citizens can be inquired about through the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs' electronic service.
- How to report encroachments on government land?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Emirates of Regions. For details, please visit this page.
- How can an investor rent out a site temporarily?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs.
- How to reserve residential land?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Housing.
- How to reserve housing units under construction?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Housing.
- How can an engineering office be delegated to notices?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Housing. It allows citizens to authorize an engineering office of a supervisor type to send the three notices: construction commencement, completion of finishing, and occupancy certificate. Besides, the type of request is residential, commercial, or commercial residential.
- What is the 940 reports and complaints system?
It is a service that enables citizens and residents to raise complaints and complaints by calling. For more details, please visit this page.
- What is the medical examination before marriage?
It is the examination of those who are about to marry. It is to find out infection for some hereditary blood diseases, such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia. It is also to detect some infectious diseases like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and acquired immunodeficiency AIDS. After examination, medical advice will be given if there is a possibility of transmission. Those diseases are for the other party or the future children. The two fiancés are presented with options and alternatives to help them plan a healthy family. To access this service, please visit this page.
- What is an electronic marriage contract?
It is an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that allows the completion of all marriage contract procedures electronically through the platform, quickly and easily.
How to obtain approval for a Saudi marriage to a foreign woman born and residing in the Kingdom?
This can be done by contacting the emirates of the regions. For details, please visit this page.
- How can a Saudi woman marry a resident foreigner?
This can be done through the electronic service that allows citizen beneficiaries to submit a Saudi marriage application to a foreigner residing with all attachments, quickly and easily, without attending the emirate's shrine and saving the trouble of moving.
- How can a Saudi woman marry a foreigner be requested from abroad?
This can be done through the electronic service in the link.
- How to get a marriage loan?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Social Development Bank that enables the beneficiary to obtain a marriage loan to encourage young people to marry.
- How to request proof of the marriage?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to submit a request (proof of wife and children) to the final departments.
- How to request proof of marital status?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to submit a termination request proof of marital status).
- How to request proof of divorce?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to apply (proof of divorce) to the final departments.
- How to request Proof of Khul' (Wife-Initiated Divorce)?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to submit a request (proof of dislocation) to the final departments.
- How to request proof of custody?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to submit a request (proof of custody validity) to the final departments.
- How can a family counseling council be established?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development that enables the beneficiary to obtain a family counseling center license to provide psychological and social counseling services.
- How to request an estimate for the minor's alimony?
It is done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to submit a termination request (estimate of the minor's alimony) to facilitate the completion of his claim.
- How can a death certificate be issued for a citizen?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior Agency for Civil Status.
- How can a request to deport the body of an expatriate to his country?
This can be done through the electronic services provided by the regions' Emirates. For details, please visit this page.
- How to request proof of a will?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to submit a termination request (proof of will) to facilitate the completion of his request.
- How can an inheritance be calculated?
The Ministry of Justice provides an electronic program to calculate each heir's legal inheritance, lineage, and amount of his share, with a brief explanation of each heir's status and his regular share, as indicated by the service withheld from the heirs.
- How can the heirs be counted?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Justice that enables the beneficiary to submit a request for termination (inventory of heirs) to facilitate the completion of his request.
- How to report the death of a retired person?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Pension Agency, which allows the service to report the retired person's death (civilian-military) while verifying the validity of the reporting by electronic link with the Ministry of Health.
- How to buy electronic tickets for stadiums?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by Saudi Post that enables the beneficiary to book and buys tickets online for sporting, cultural, social, and entertainment events.
- How can tourist visas be issued?
This can be done through the Ministry of Tourism; for details, please visit this page.
- How can a tourist accommodation facility license be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage that enables the beneficiary to apply for a license to establish a tourist accommodation facility.
- Can a sailing license be issued?
Yes, this can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Directorate of Border Guard that enables the beneficiary to issue sailing permits for the following purposes: diving, fishing, picnic, private excursion, research, rental, marine tanks, marine agencies, government agencies, rescue, fishing by Saudization system, excursion Paid, passenger, marine sports.
- How to get clearance for a book?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Information that enables the beneficiary to release books or inquire about disclosed books.
- How to register in the Saudi author's stand?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Information. It enables individual Saudi authors who do not have a publishing house to adopt their books and register in a pavilion designated for them by the Riyadh International Fair Department to display and market their books at the exhibition and collect their monetary value.
- How to register for the Book Award?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Information.
- How to request historical documents?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by King Fahd National Library that enables the user to request the content of historical documents.
- How to request to register a periodical publication?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the King Fahd National Library that enables beneficiaries to request a new periodical registration in the Kingdom: a magazine, newspaper, yearbook, and others.
- How to request registering an art material?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the King Fahd National Library that enables beneficiaries to request artistic material registration such as drawing, sculpture, and sculptures.
- How to request resources?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by King Fahd National Library that enables researchers to request an extract of containers of information that will benefit them on a specific topic.
- How can manuscripts be displayed?
This can be done through an electronic service that allows manuscript owners (individuals, manuscript dealers, governmental and private institutions) to sell, gift, preserve or stop rare manuscripts and books in the library. Thus, documents will be collected in the library.
- What are the Listen and Watch service?
It is an electronic service provided by the Radio and Television Corporation that allows live radio and television broadcasting through the (Listen and Watch) website and through the application in the Apple and Google stores.
- How to view the news in other languages?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Saudi Press Agency, enabling the beneficiary to view the news in three different languages around the clock.
- How can a birth certificate be issued?
The electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior Agency for Civil Status enables parents to register and activate the birth event electronically and to request the delivery of documents by Saudi Post, without the need to visit the civil status offices.
- How can a national identity card be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by Absher. For details, please visit the page.
- How can the national identity card be renewed?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior Agency for Civil Status.
- How to verify the validity of the national identity?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior Agency for Civil Status.
- How can surnames and names be modified?
This can be done through the Absher platform. For details, please visit this page.
- How can a death certificate be issued to a citizen?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior Agency for Civil Status.
- How can a new passport be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior, enabling the beneficiary to issue a new passport. It is possible to request the delivery of documents by Saudi Post without visiting the General Directorate of Passports offices.
- How can a diplomatic or special passport be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enables Saudi diplomatic and special passports.
- How to report losses online?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior Agency for Civil Status, enabling the beneficiary to report the loss of the national identity, family record, birth certificate, or death certificate.
- How can a residency be issued?
This can be done through Absher. For details, please visit this page.
- How can a (resident) residency be issued?
The (Muqeem) service allows establishments to issue a residence permit for those coming to the Kingdom with a work visa.
How to renew a residency permit (companies and institutions of 100 workers and more)
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the General Directorate of Passports.
- How to get the premium residency?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs.
- How can the residency renewal for an investor whose license has been revoked?
This can be done through the electronic service provided by the Ministry of Investment.
- How can a travel permit for dependents be canceled?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Ministry of Interior that enables the beneficiary to submit a request to cancel a travel permit for dependents.
- How to inquire about licenses to use a weapon?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Directorate that enables the beneficiary to inquire about owned weapons licenses.
- How can a certificate of absence of precedents be issued?
This can be done through an electronic service provided by the Public Security Department.
- How can a request be removed from the travel ban list?
This can be done through an electronic service that allows the citizen to submit a request to travel one time during the travel ban period.
- How can an exit and return visa be issued?
This can be done through Absher. For details, please visit this page.
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