Interactive Map
It is a service provided to government agencies and private agencies across the Kingdom, as it enables them to review requests and reports issued for projects of all types on the interactive map. It is characterized by showing a statement of temporal/spatial conflicts on the map by providing the possibility of searching with different search parameters and searching with visual excellence standards according to a change. Time zone directly on the interactive map.
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- The user logs in to the major projects coordination platform from the Baladi platform, and the status is verified if he is (facility owner/facility manager) from the Ministry of Commerce or an authorized representative of an establishment through the municipal authorization service.
- The user chooses Baladi services, then coordination services Projects, then choose the interactive map service.
- The user is provided with an interactive map for coordination reports and an interactive map for requests.
- The user chooses any of the coordination reports or requests for the entity to which the user belongs, according to the authority, with the ability to search through them using different search parameters.
Individuals , Government Sector , Private Sector , Excellent stay , Small and micro enterprises , Commercial companies , Non-profit organizations , Investor , resident , citizen , Gulf citizen
Target Audience
Service Duration
Website Portal , IOS App , Android App
Service Delivery Channels
English , Arabic
Service Offered In Language
Service Cost
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