Group housing license renewal service
This service allows real estate owners and tenants to renew the collective housing license for individuals, and to enhance the continuity and quality of housing.
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- Login to Baladi portal through Single Access (Absher).
- Determination of applicant status
- Choose the license to be renewed from the list of associated licenses
- Reviewing and acknowledging compliance with the site requirements requested by the municipality at the chosen location.
- Entering the property data and the estimated capacity Choosing the engineering office to inspect the housing
- Choose the type and data of ownership of the property (owner - tenant)
- Attach a copy of the property and a copy of the property lease contract if the housing is rented
- Beneficiary's acknowledgment of the validity of all data
- Send request
- The engineering office conducts the scout visit after agreeing on the cost within two working days
The license is renewed after the housing meets the requirements and can be printed through the My Applications and My License icon
Individuals , Government Sector , Private Sector , Excellent stay , Small and micro enterprises , visitor , Commercial companies , Student , Non-profit organizations , Investor , resident , citizen , Gulf citizen
Target Audience
One day
Service Duration
Website Portal , IOS App
Service Delivery Channels
English , Arabic
Service Offered In Language
Service Cost
Payment Channels

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