Issuance of sailing permits
An online service provided by the Zawel portal, allowing beneficiaries to issue sailing permits for marine vessels for various purposes such as fishing, recreation, research, and more, to sail in the territorial waters of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, without the need to visit the relevant authority.
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1. Registration on the Zawil platform, entering the required data.
2. Log in.
3. Choose the service (Permit Services).
Select the required permit type (Person permit, Vehicle permit, Person with vehicle permit).
4. Issuing a new permit: the following procedure is performed:
4.1. Specify the type of permit (Temporary, Permanent, Visitor permit).
4.2. Specify the target category for the permit (Person, Vehicle, Equipment, Private driver).
4.3. Specify the port for which the permit is required.
4.4. Specify the required permit duration.
4.5. Confirm.
5. Permit list:
5.1. Go to Permit Services.
5.2. Enter the permit number or use filters to display the required permit.
5.3. Search for the permit.
5.4. View the permit details.
5.5. Option to cancel the permit.
Individuals , Government Sector , Private Sector , Excellent stay , Small and micro enterprises , visitor , Commercial companies , Student , Non-profit organizations , Investor , resident , citizen , Gulf citizen
Target Audience
Service Duration
Website Portal
Service Delivery Channels
English , Arabic
Service Offered In Language
Service Cost
[email protected]
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