This Eelectronic service enable the elderly and citizens with special needs to request Civil Affairs Service at home without the need to visit the civil status offices Civilian
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- Enter the Absher platform and choose Civil Affairs Services > Taqdeer.
- The system displays the welcome page for the service and its terms
- Select “Next”.
- Enter the required data (beneficiary ID number, date of birth)
- The system verifies the business rules and then requests the following from the beneficiary: (address information, mobile number, specifying services)
- Complete the required data and select “Next”.
- Attach proof of the beneficiary’s need for the service.
- Attach the required and acknowledgment thereof and choose “Next.”
- A reference number is generated and the request is saved.
Individuals , citizen , Student
Target Audience
Service Duration
Website Portal
Service Delivery Channels
Arabic , English
Service Offered In Language
Service Cost
[email protected]
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