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An electronic service by the Saudi Business Center, which allows beneficiaries to start practicing commercial activity and establish a simplified joint-stock company, established by one or more persons of natural or legal status, and its capital is divided into tradable shares and the provisions of joint-stock companies apply to it unless there is a special text, and through the service the following is done: Issuance of the commercial register and articles of incorporation. Issuance of an immediate commercial license (optional). Opening an establishment file with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. Register for zakat through the electronic portal of the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority. Registering the establishment with the General Organization for Social Insurance. Registration at the national address at the Saudi Post is ways. Registration in Chambers of Commerce by location. Electronically, without the need to visit the branch of the Saudi Business Center or the Ministry branches. Note: When performing the service and printing the CR, an identification number for the facility is obtained from the partner government agencies mentioned above, which you will need in the future automatically, as shown in the form. Click here.
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Private Sector , Commercial companies
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Service Duration
Website Portal
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Arabic , English
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