Marriage Loan
An electronic service for applying to the Marriage Loan product. It aims to finance men intending to get married, helping them cover their needs and requirements without visiting the bank branches.
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- Enter through the unified national access portal
- From the Individuals Products page, choose marriage financing
- On the request page for new financing, the branch is selected
- A request registration page where the private data is filled out and the customer information available in Yaqeen is called
- Acknowledge the accuracy of all data and save the application
- In the event that there is a guarantor, the sponsor’s work data is filled out (in the event that there is a direct connection between the bank and the employer, the data is automatically recalled)
- Choose the required monthly installment
Individuals , citizen
Target Audience
17 Working Days
Service Duration
Website Portal , Android App , Huawei App , IOS App
Service Delivery Channels
Service Offered In Language
Service Cost
[email protected]
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